
How To Turn Off Virus Protection On Windows 8

This tutorial contains instructions to disable Windows Defender in Windows ten, 8 or viii.1 Bone. Windows Defender is a free and reliable virus protection program built into Windows ten and eight operating systems, so you lot practice not have to turn off Windows Defender unless y'all want to utilize another program to protect your reckoner. Yet, even in this example, Windows Defender will automatically shut down when it detects that another anti-virus programme is installed on the organization.

In my opinion, Windows Defender is i of the top freeware security programs to protect your arrangement from viruses and malware and yous can use it every bit the main antivirus program to protect your calculator. Additionally, if you want to use some other security program equally your primary protection, you can go on and use Windows Defender as an additional protection.

How to Turn off Windows Defender in Windows ten and 8/viii.1 OS.

in most cases, Windows Defender protection is automatically turned off when you install a third-party security programme and you exercise not have to perform any additional deportment to disable Defender's protection. Follow the instructions below only if you have bug with Windows Defender or if information technology does not automatically deactivated after installing another security program.

The usual style to temporarily stop the Windows Defender protection, is to open Windows Defender Security Center and then at Virus and Treat Protection settings options to turn off the Real -fourth dimension protection.

turn off windows defender

How to permanently disable Windows Defender in Windows 10 and 8 OS.

1. Turn Off the Existent Time Protection in Windows Defender, by using the instructions above. *

* Note: If you having problems while modifying the registry, start Windows in Condom Mode and try again.

2. Then, open Registry Editor: To practice that:

    • Press simultaneously the Windows image + R keys to open the run command box.

    • Type regedit & Printing Enter.

open registry editor

iii. Navigate to the post-obit primal at the left pane:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender

4. Right click at the Windows Defender fundamental and click Permissions.

disable windows defender

five. Click Advanced and then click Change owner.

disable windows defender windows 8

6. At "Enter the name to select" box, type Administrators and click OK.

turn off windows defender windows 10

vii. Click Replace possessor on subcontainers and objects and click Employ.

disable defender antivirus windows 10

8. Double click at Administrators entry.

disable defender security windows 10

9. Check the Full Control check box and then click OK 3 (three) times to close permission properties.

disable defender security

10. Close Registry Editor.

11. Re-open Registry Editor and navigate to the same registry location:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender

12. At the right pane, double click to open the DisableAntiSpyware REG_DWORD value and alter the value information to one.

disable antispyware windows 10

13. Then open the DisableAntiVirus REG_DWORD value and change the value data to 1.

disable antivirus windows 10

xiv. Then navigate to this key:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Arrangement\CurrentControlSet\Services\SecurityHealthService

fifteen. At the right pane double click at Start REG_DWORD value and modify the value data from two to iii.

disable defender antivirus windows 10

16. Close Registry Editor and restart your computer. *

* Additional Tip: If you want to disable likewise the Windows Defender Firewall, modify the Outset REG_DWORD value at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Organisation\CurrentControlSet\Services\MpsSvc key, from 2 to 4.

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