
How Much To Wash Windows

Average Window Cleaning Toll

The average price to hire a window cleaner is $151 to $366 with virtually homeowners spending $258 for a total house cleaning. Window cleaning prices range from $10 to $15 per window, or $four to $8 per pane, with third and fourth-floor ladder work adding $3 to $5 per window.

Average Window Cleaning Cost Chart

Window Cleaning Cost
National Average Cost $258
Minimum Cost $95
Maximum Cost $570
Average Range $151 to $366

Window washers charge based on the number of windows, the number of panes, the size of the windows, the number of stories in the firm, and the presence of window screens. Prices are as well calculated based on the current dirt of the windows and if y'all're signing up for a former or rotating service.

Table of Contents

  1. Average Window Cleaning Cost
  2. Window Cleaning Prices
    • By Habitation Size
    • Per Window
    • Per Hour
    • Per Pane
  3. Window Cleaning Judge Estimator
    • How To Toll
    • Prices By Window Type
    • Bulk Discounts
    • New Structure
    • Extra Costs
  4. Commercial Window Cleaning Prices
    • Per Square Foot
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. DIY Window Cleaning
    • Kits
  7. Hiring a Window Cleaner
  8. Window Cleaners Near Me

Window Cleaning Prices

If y'all have a modest number of windows, a window cleaner may have a minimum charge of $45 to $85. Cleaning companies either charge on a per window, per pane, or hourly basis. The exact cost depends on if it'southward an unlicensed handyman without insurance or a franchised window cleaning company.

Window Cleaning Prices Per Window & Per Pane Chart

Window Cleaning Prices
Type Average Price
Call-out Charge $45 – $85
Per Window $10 – $15
Per Window (tertiary or 4th Story) $13 – $20
Per Pane $4 – $8
Per Pane (3rd or 4th Story) $6 – $12
Screen Cleaning $0.l – $5 per screen
Apartment Rate Per Hr $45 – $70

Residential Window Cleaning Prices By Dwelling house Size

Residential window cleaning prices for cleaning the interior and exterior windows of an entire domicile (or pocket-sized function) volition cost between $185 and $570 depending on the foursquare footage and the number of windows.

Residential Window Cleaning Prices By Home Size Chart

Residential Window Cleaning Prices
Foursquare Anxiety # Windows Average Cost
1,000 10 $185
1,500 xv $245
2,400 24 $353
3,200 32 $449
iv,200 42 $569

Window Cleaning Rates Per Window

Boilerplate window cleaning rates are $10 to $fifteen per window with two panes depending on the size. For windows on the 3rd or fourth floor, information technology costs an extra $3 to $5 per window, or nearly a 50% increase with every flooring. This accounts for the employ of a ladder or scissor lift to reach windows.

Window Cleaner Removing Dirt and grime from 2nd story window with Telescopic water brush

Interior Window Cleaning Prices

If you want your interior windows cleaned only, so expect to pay between $90 and $190. Keep in mind, the larger the home, the higher the price. A i,600-square foot dwelling house would cost about $150 for interior window cleaning. Most companies will walk through your home and give you a free approximate before yous schedule.

Window Cleaning Costs Per Hour

A window cleaner typically charges between $twoscore and $75 per hour. Fifty-fifty if you notice a cleaner who charges per pane, the math works out to be nearly the same, unless it's a large home. Almost charge per pane because information technology works out better for the company, and the customer doesn't go over or undercharged.

Window Washing Prices Per Pane

The cost of window cleaning ranges from $4 to $12 per pane with nearly homeowner spending betwixt $4 and $viii. For hard to reach windows on the tertiary or 4th flooring, add together $1.50 to $two.fifty per pane. Companies price their services per pane instead of a flat rate because information technology'due south fairer for the customer.

  • Double-Hung Window – A window that usually consists of two panes of glass is a double-hung window. Technically, that'due south two windows, and some companies may charge as if it's two windows while others would consider it i window with two sections—the reason existence it'southward 4 surfaces to clean inside and out, which equals 4 panes. Make certain to enquire the company of your choice if they accuse per pane and what they consider a pane.
  • A Sunburst Window – A movie window is just one pane, simply a sunburst window could accept iv sections in the upper half and iv sections in the lower one-half of a double-hung style, and then another four or v sections in the semicircle portion at the top. This results in 12 to 13 different sections which need to be cleaned. With the moving picture window, the glass can exist done in a sweeping motility from left to right or up and down, merely with more panes, each one has to be cleaned individually, which takes longer and costs more.
  • Skylights – can likewise be cleaned and typically cost $27 apiece.
  • Garage Doors – The panes on garage doors are $1 each.
  • Storm Windows – that have 3- to 4-pane combos are $30 per combo and are by and large actress for more than four panes.

Window Washer Using a Squeegee to clean windows streak free

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Window Cleaning Estimate Computer

The best way to approximate costs is commencement to figure out if the cleaning company yous choose charges per pane or window where all sectional panes are considered one window.

How To Cost Window Cleaning

  1. Count the windows or panes on your house.
  2. Each type of window will accept a different price, and your pro should have a toll listing prepare for you. Circuitous or larger windows, such as a bay window, cost more than than smaller windows.
  3. For drinking glass doors, each door will count as one piece. Virtually companies will give you a free estimate.
  4. Boilerplate in the toll in the range of $10 to $xv per window, as well as the callout fee of between $45 and $85.
  5. Summate your total price.

Estimating Past Type of Window

The most common blazon of window is the sliding double-pane windows, otherwise called a double-hung window, and costs $4 per pane of drinking glass to make clean. Some windows with many sections separated by trim will be more than expensive than a like-sized window that has no trim. Any sectional trim will make cleaning more difficult, therefore more than costly.

Window Cleaning Price Reckoner
Window Type Boilerplate Cost
Sliding Windows $4 per pane
Casement Windows $8 per pane
Sunbursts $7 each modest piece, $15 each large piece
Decorative Window $5 per pane
Individual Drinking glass Panels $6 per pane
Jalousie/Louvers Windows $2 per pane
Large Single-Pane Picture Windows $12 if larger than 5x6
Big Tri-Fold Picture Windows $10 each if i pane over another, $28 each bay gear up
Sliding Doors $7 apiece

Multiple Windows Discount

Most window cleaning companies do non offering discounts, unless they are cleaning a corporate building that is all glass; so it'due south commonly a flat charge per unit. The reason for this is to ensure that their bottom line is met since most give a free estimate, which requires gas and time they are not charging for. When the initial estimate is done, most do not discover it necessary to do a rebid. However, certain new window washing franchises offer new customers discount rates to generate business and found themselves.

Professional Window Cleaner Using Telescopic Water Brushing Equipment

New Construction Rates

To clean the exterior will be at least $4 per pane. For interior window cleaning, the minimum will exist $v per pane. To wipe putty, pigment, or plaster off a window volition exist $7. For other types of windows, most companies will add $ii to $5 to their regular prices. Window cleaning for a newly synthetic home runs higher than the prices mentioned higher up. To clean up construction droppings and dust takes extra time.

Dangerous heights and difficult access can add actress charges to the cost of cleaning each window.


If you lot live in a multi-story abode, then expect to pay more for window washing done in a higher place the first level. You may be charged past the hour instead of by the pane, considering of the time it takes to access 2d-story and in a higher place windows.

Screen Cleaning

Typically, screens are charged $0.50 to $five to clean or an average of $4.95 extra per screen. In hotter climates like the Arizona desert, some homes take solar screens, and those require special cleaning methods, which take longer to do. Those will be charged around $10 per screen. Most companies will not make clean the screens if yous prefer them left alone.

Sliding Glass Doors

Sliding glass doors get priced per pane or door at $two.l to $8. This type of door is meant to let a lot of low-cal in, and having it cleaned will allow even more than in. Y'all'd be surprised at how much light is blocked by a little bit of grit and finger smudges.

French Doors

French doors are $six for one-half doors and $12 for a total door.

Sills and Tracks

Cleaning sills and tracks are included in nearly cleaning prices, but if they're not, it will cost $0.05 to $v. This amount varies depending on access and how difficult they are to clean. If the sills and tracks are from older windows or fabricated of forest, it volition cost more, as they need special care.

Paint or Stain Removal

Paint and stain removal volition cost the aforementioned every bit the cleaning costs for that sized window. If information technology is just a single pane out of a larger sectional window, then information technology will exist the cost of that pane. If a large window or glass door has pigment on an edge, then it will be the total price of cleaning the window or door.

Removing Mineral Deposits

Removing mineral deposits costs anywhere from $x to $30, depending on the size of the window and seriousness of the stain. Hardwater stain removal is one of these services. Hardwater chemicals will be used, then be conscientious about ventilation and surrounding plants.


Any dusting that needs to be washed before wiping a window down volition be an extra $1 to $ii. Cleaning the glass with a solvent will be another price.

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Commercial Window Cleaning Prices

The average commercial window cleaning prices are $0.l to $ii.fifty per foursquare pes, for storefront or building windows. Pricing depends on the square feet and the frequency of cleanings per week. Most companies volition want you lot to proceed a monthly cleaning plan so the grime level never gets out of command on a big building. Check out our commercial window cleaning price guide below:

Commercial Window Cleaning Price Per Square Foot

Commercial Window Cleaning Prices
Square Feet Frequency Per Calendar week (Billed Monthly)
1 2 3 4 5
Under 1,000 SF $150 – $250 $200 – $400 $300 – $500 $500 – $600 $550 – $650
1,000 to 4,999 SF $250 – $450 $300 – $800 $500 – $one,100 $600 – $ane,300 $650 – $1,600
v,000 to 9,999 SF $350 – $550 $500 – $900 $600 – $1,500 $650 – $1,600 $700 – $2,000
10,000+ SF $500+ $700+ $1,000+ $1,200+ $1,400+

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Window Cleaning Include?

Near window cleaning companies make clean all types of windows for a certain fee, and some include tracks and sills. If they don't, expect to pay between $0.50 and $five per window.

What Is the All-time Product for Cleaning Windows?

If you lot adopt all natural, then refer to the recipe above for DIY window cleaning. Your local cleaning supplies store professional person will hopefully know what product volition give you lot the outcome y'all want for the types of windows you have.

How Exercise You Make clean Inside Windows?

If you come across clay, h2o stains, or fogginess between two window panes, the seal is broken and needs to be replaced. Replacing the window drinking glass costs $150 to $500 on boilerplate. A window repair professional may suggest drilling a hole into the frame, pouring in a cleaning solution, and sucking the moisture out. This is only a temporary solution.

How Long Does Information technology Take to Clean Windows?

What blazon of windows do you have? Are they on the second story or first story? Exercise you want the inside and outside cleaned? These are all things to consider when computing working hours. Typically, it takes two hours to make clean outside and inside windows of an ane,800 foursquare foot habitation.

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DIY Window Cleaning

Cleaning all of the windows yourself seems like a huge chore, just it really requires minimal work.

  • Do your research on what type of cleaner you prefer and get all the necessary supplies such equally a squeegee and a ladder to attain windows. There are tons of recipes out there for a streak-free finish that is chemical complimentary and will save you coin.
    • An acidic white vinegar volition cut through oils and dirt. Mix a ¼ cup of the vinegar with a ½ teaspoon of dish lather. Shake this up with ii cups of warm water. Add together essential oils to hide the odor of vinegar.
    • Use a lint-costless textile to wipe downwardly your windows. Sponges and regular cloths may go out scratches or streaks.
  • If you prefer commercial-course products, many hardware stores acquit commercial-grade cleaning supplies for messes left on construction sites or from renovations. They're sure to take but what you're looking for. If you desire to stick to the nuts, a elementary canteen of Windex is the all-time cleaner on the market today.

DIY Window Cleaning Kit

  • Buy a high-reach starter window cleaning kit for $75 – $190 with an extension pole, scraper, and cleaning caput.
  • Purchase a beginner window washing kit that includes a bucket, scraper, and cleaner for most $75 – $130.

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Hiring a Window Cleaner

Window cleaners volition use a squeegee and cleaning solution to remove dirt and crud for a streak-costless look. A professional window washer will also supply their own ladder to reach windows and window sills so be certain they accept liability insurance.

When hiring a window cleaning service, be sure to check the post-obit first:

  1. Online reviews and BBB rating
  2. License
  3. Insurance and bond - so that any damages or accidents are covered
  4. Years in business
  5. Discounts for military, single moms, new customers, etc.
  6. Estimates
  7. Monthly cleaning services provided
  8. Cleaners used – are they eco-friendly and allergy safe?

Pros of Hiring a Professional Window Cleaning Service

There are plenty of advantages to hiring a professional to clean your windows than doing it yourself.

  • Your home will wait improve, tidier, and like yous care about it.
  • It will make a firm look improve to prospective buyers.
  • Over time dirt and debris volition add together scratches and actress wear and tear to your windows. By tackling the result ahead of time, you can prevent impairment.
  • Grab wood rot, mildew, termites, or inadequate insulation problems in the window frames early.
  • Y'all won't fall off a ladder. The pros take extra safe measures you may not think of.

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