
How To Put Kodi On Laptop Windows 10

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i Choosing a version

i.1 Recommended

The recommended version of Kodi is the current release Kodi v19.4 Matrix. This is the stable build and is recommended for general users.

You lot can download Kodi from the Windows store, which will go on Kodi updated automatically, or you can download an executable installer file (.exe).

1.two Pre-release

These are upcoming point releases (eg v19.1, v19.ii) that fix bugs discovered in the major release.

A recent pre-release build is safe to install. Consider information technology a Recommended release + fixes

1.iii Development builds

See: Development_builds

2 Choosing an install method

Y'all can choose from several dissimilar methods to install Kodi.

2.1 Installer

Download the executable installer file (.exe) from the downloads page and install like whatsoever other Windows program.

ii.2 Microsoft Store

Kodi can exist downloaded from the Microsoft Store using the link on the downloads folio.

The Microsoft Store version is the current release, and will be updated automatically.

If y'all do non want automated updates, so you should use the Installer version for total control of Kodi updates.

2.3 Chocolatey

If yous have Chocolatey installed, you tin can run the command-line installer. Visit the Kodi Package page at Chocolately for instructions.

two.iv Portable Fashion

See: Portable fashion

3 Upgrading Kodi

In virtually cases, installing a new version of Kodi over an existing version will be hassle gratis.

  • When jumping two or more versions, we recommend a fresh install. See: Backup for details on how to save your existing Kodi data folder equally a fill-in
  • Betoken releases of the same version can be installed over an existing installation without issue.

Before upgrading Kodi:

  • Backup your data by following the backup guide. See: Backup.
  • Ensure your computer nonetheless meets Kodi'due south minimum requirements in Supported hardware.
  • If you lot apply add-ons or skins, cheque if they have been upgraded to work with the new version of Kodi. If the upgrade is a signal update (e.m., 18.ten to 18.y), all add-ons and skins should nevertheless piece of work.

4 Installing older versions of Kodi

Older versions of Kodi 32-scrap tin can be found hither.

5 Uninstalling Kodi

Kodi is installed in ii locations. You lot must remove Kodi from both locations to completely uninstall information technology.

5.1 The Kodi application

The Kodi program is installed past default to C:\Program Files\Kodi\, or in C:\Programme Files (x86)\Kodi\ if you upgraded from an older version.

To uninstall the Kodi application in Windows 10:

  1. Open up Settings
  2. Choose Apps, and so 'Apps and features'
  3. Select Kodi in the list of apps
  4. Choose Uninstall.

5.2 The Kodi information folder

After you lot install Kodi, all changes to Kodi are saved in the Kodi data folder. This includes things like your userdata, libraries, skins, and add-ons.

  • If yous downloaded and ran the Kodi executable installer file (.exe) manually, the folder will be at C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Kodi
  • If you downloaded Kodi from the Microsoft Store, the folder volition be at C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Local\Packages\XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p\LocalCache\Roaming\Kodi

If you delete the Kodi information folder to perform a clean installation of Kodi, the information folders volition be recreated the next time you run Kodi.
If y'all desire to retain the data folder for backup purposes, rename the Kodi folder to something like Kodi-Onetime. See: Backup

See: Kodi data binder

5.3 Complete Uninstall

To completely uninstall Kodi, uninstall the application, then delete the data folder.

half dozen Windows Defender

Windows Defender SmartScreen is a characteristic of Windows that blocks software it does non recognise.

If you download the installer immediately after a new version of Kodi is released, Windows Defender Smartscreen might block the installer.

If the Kodi installer is blocked, click 'More info' so 'Run anyway' to continue installing Kodi.

NOTE: Changing settings in Windows Security can brand your figurer less safe. If you are unsure whether to proceed, consider waiting a few days until Windows Defender recognises the new version of Kodi.

To stop Windows Defender SmartScreen blocking the Kodi installer, turn off 'Bank check apps and files' in 'App & browser control' in Windows Security, and so install Kodi. Call back to turn on 'Check apps and files' subsequently installation is complete.

7 What adjacent?

To start adding media to your Kodi library, run into the Wiki department for first time users.

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