
Christmas Cellophane Gift Bag Decorating Ideas

christmas gift ideas

Hidey ho frugal neighbors – welcome to Christmas hangover! But not to fret just yet – let's talk about ALL THE PRESENTS WE JUST GOT – WOO!!!

And more specifically, those presents that were so financially sexy that you can't help but to gift forward yourself next year. Re-gifting the perfect gift ideas! See what we did there? ;)

We'll start with my wife's favorite we got…

Gift #1: Costco Membership!

costco membership

Why this is a great gift: You get to save a lot of money!! From baby diapers to clothes to steaks – at least according to my family… I literally haven't shopped there since I bought my first cell phone 15 years ago (Nokia candy bar that allowed "text messages" – high tech! :)) so I'm super excited to try out this bulk shopping. Also, did you know Costco is the largest fine wine seller in the country? Mmm…

Gift #2: "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau

walden book

Why this is a great gift: I'm only on page 8 so far, but according to really smart people this book can be a total life changer. Forcing you to think about what's really important in life, and what you can actually live without while still leading a pretty blessed life. I'm not one to usually read these types of sophisticated books (probably because they were forced down my throat in school when I wasn't mature enough for them) but after coming across it in that mobile living documentary I made sure to drop enough hints this holiday to guarantee I received it :) And now I'll have a resource that's actually not a blog for once to rely on during conversations with adults! Hah!

(Btw, you know how once you find out about something you start seeing it EVERYWHERE? I've literally read quotes from Walden or Thoreau at least 3 different times over the weekend – it's nuts. And also awesome. A favorite was a post I read from Momastery on gratefulness – "Walden reminds me that when I feel lacking- I don't need new things, I need new eyes with which to see the things I already have." I highly recommend reading it, thanks to Cait Flanders who first brought it to my attention.)

Gift #3: "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by Jack Bogle

little book common sense investing - jack bogle

Why this is a great gift: Because index investing is something EVERYONE should learn about whether they agree with the strategy or not. And Jack Bogle is the inventor of them who's company (Vanguard) has a cult following due to their incredibly low fees. Even Warren Buffett recommends the majority of people would be better off sticking to index funds! It took me 34 years to finally catch on, and apparently this is the book to read on it.

Gift #4: Chocolate gold coins

chocolate gold coins

Why this is a great gift stocking stuffer: It's CHOCOLATE!!! And COINS!!!!

Another great stocking stuffer idea? Lottery tickets… Nothing says "you might become a millionaire over night!" for such small amount of output :) Or, in my case, a $2.00-aire which is what I became myself this Christmas, haha…

Gift #5: Coin counting tubes

coin counting tubes

Why this is a great gift: You know how most banks don't have coin machines anymore? And Coinstar charges like 10% to trade them in for bills, unless you opt for a gift card instead? (which you'd then just turn around and end up spending?) Well these bad boys not only helps you count them faster, but also to get the right amounts into those old school paper rolls which us frugal ones are now forced to do to cash them in.

Gift #6: Gag gift

i heart my penis air freshener

Why this is a great gift: Because we all need a good laugh every now and then :) And this one is literally a gift meant for re-gifting over the years as you help carry on (or start) the family tradition! This penis one is a new one in recent years for us, with others being a can of dehydrated water, a weird nut cracker, and a large jock strap. Those latter three have been circulating our family going on 30 years now, and I suspect they'll carry on for another 30 too!

Gift #7: Compliments

smiley cupcake

Why this is a great gift: Have you ever not liked hearing a compliment? Of course not. And not only do some of them stick with you forever, but they're free and take a matter of seconds to rattle off.

On my birthday Friday I asked if people would share how BudgetsAreSexy has helped them over the years, and I haven't stopped re-reading the comments since. THANK YOU GUYS so much for taking the time to let me know! We often don't get to hear how we affect the lives of others on any given day, so this was a nice way to get real-life feedback. Whether it's a faux pas to ask for them or not ;) If you'd like to add to my joy yourself, click on over and share what you've gotten from this site as well!

Another great way to leave a compliment is to drop a note in your loved one's stocking, or better yet – the mail. Real mail, like with pen and paper. My sister printed off a "gratitude prayer" that went to us siblings this Christmas season – it was beautiful.

"Celebration" by Lori Eberhardy

I want to celebrate you.
I am truly blessed to be a part of your world.
I learn from you, I admire you, I love you.
You are my own personal star that follows me
around and shines down on me.
You light my life with magic and wonder.
Such a gift of love.
You are a part of my soul.
You own a piece of my heart.
Your loving spirit provides a constant parade
of emotions that warm my heart.
I feel complete knowing you are near.
I feel empty without you.
I want to celebrate you,
yesterday, today and tomorrow.

These were my favorite gifts I received this year. Helpful, thoughtful, ideas that enrich either the heart or the brain (or the wallet). And most of which cost under $15!

So it was a splendid holiday/birthday celebration in the Money household indeed. And I did jack for work too allowing me to spend the most time with family this week which is the ultimate gift of all. It wasn't paid time off like most of you 9-5'ers get (you dirty bastards ;)), but I enjoyed it all very much indeed. We need to force ourselves to take breaks some times!

Now tell me – what did y'all get this year that you found to be the perfect ideas to gift forward? And how many of you have already started working on your Christmas budget for next year? You know who you financial studs are – don't hide!

PS: I learned that some of you gave these wonderful gifts I recommended last month as well. Way to go! You just helped your loved ones become millionaires :)

[Cupcake photo by Aih / Doodled on by J$]

Christmas Cellophane Gift Bag Decorating Ideas


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